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  • {{socialMetaTags}} helper

    Helper for creating Open Graph and Twitter Cars meta tags. Syntax: {{socialMetaTags}} Example output: <meta property="og:title" content="Post title" /> <meta property="og:image" content=""/> <meta property="og:site_name" content="Site…

  • {{#checkIfNone}} helper

    Block helper which is negation of the #checkIfAll helper. Syntax: {{#checkIfNone ARG_1 ARG_2 ARG_3 ... ARG_N}} Code displayed when above condition is true {{else}} Code…

  • {{menuItemClasses}} helper

    Helper for creating CSS classes in the menu. Syntax: {{menuItemClasses CLASSNAME_1 CLASSNAME_2 ... CLASSNAME_N}} Examples: {{menuItemClasses}} Outputs standard menu item classes. {{menuItemClasses "active"}} Outputs standard…

  • {{#checkIfAll}} helper

    Block helper for creating conditions where all elements are connected using AND operator. Syntax: {{#checkIfAll ARG_1 ARG_2 ARG_3 ... ARG_N}} Code displayed when above condition…

  • {{responsiveSrcSet}} helper

    Helper for the srcset attribute for the given image. Syntax: {{responsiveSrcSet IMAGE_PATH TYPE_NAME GROUP_NAME}} Example: {{responsiveSrcSet @config.custom.imageOptionName 'featuredImage' 'header'}}

  • {{feedLink}} helper

    It creates a link element with URL to the RSS and JSON feeds (if they are enabled in the site settings). Syntax: {{feedLink}} Example output:…

  • {{css}} helper

    It creates URL to the CSS file from the css catalog in the assets directory. Additionally, it adds to the file URL the v= param.

  • {{encodeUrlFragment}} helper

    Helper used if you need to use a text inside the URL i.e. when you are using the social sharing scripts. Syntax: {{encodeUrlFragment TEXT_TO_ENCODE}} Example:…

  • {{jsonLD}} helper

    Helper for creating output of the JSON-LD data Syntax: {{jsonLD}} Example output: <script type="application/ld+json"> // JSON-LD object output </script> Should be used in the <head>…

  • {{js}} helper

    It creates URL to the CSS file from the js catalog in the assets directory. Additionally, it adds to the file URL the v= param.

  • {{menuUrl}} helper

    (Used in menu structure) Helper for creating URLs in the menu. Syntax: {{menuUrl}}

  • {{#is}} helper

    The {{#is}} helper is a block helper designed to check if a specific context is loaded. The argument can be a comma-separated list of context…

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