Helpers (56)
{{join}} helper
This helper creates a one string from given values, separated by its first argument. Syntax: {{join separator value1 value2 value3}} Example: {{join "," "a" "b"…
{{#getTags}} helper
{{getTags}} is a helper used to retrieve tags data regardless of the current context. Syntax: {{#getTags "TAG_ID1,TAG_ID2,TAG_ID3" "before" "after"}} ... {{/getTags}} Example: {{#getTags "1,2,3" "<ul>" "</ul>"}}…
{{#getTag}} helper
{{getTag}} is a helper used to retrieve tag data regardless of the current context. Syntax: {{#getTag tagID}} ... {{/getPost}} Example: {{#getTag 10}} <a href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a> {{/getTag}} IMPORTANT: It…
{{#getPostByTags}} helper
{{getPostByTags}} is a helper used to retrieve single post data regardless of the current context with use of specific tag ID or tag slugs. Syntax: {{#getPostByTags…
{{#getPostsByTags}} helper
{{getPostsByTags}} is a helper used to retrieve post data regardless of the current context and filter them to posts which uses a specific tag. This helper…
{{#getPosts}} helper
{{getPosts}} is a helper used to retrieve post data regardless of the current context. Syntax: {{#getPosts "postID1,postID2,postID3" "before" "after"}} ... {{/getPosts}} Example: {{#getPosts "POST_ID_1,POST_ID_2,POST_ID_N" "<ul>" "</ul>"}}…
{{#getPost}} helper
{{getPost}} is a helper used to retrieve post data regardless of the current context. Syntax: {{#getPost postID}} ... {{/getPost}} Example: {{#getPost 10}} <h2>{{title}}</h2> {{{excerpt}}} {{/getPost}} IMPORTANT: It…
{{gdprScriptBlocker}} helper
Helper for generating a proper type attribute value in <script> tags. Syntax: <script type="{{ gdprScriptBlocker "analytical" }}"></script> Above code will generate a script which will…
Helper for creating footer output with Publii-related tags. Currently used for GDPR cookies popup. Syntax: {{{ publiiFooter }}} Should be used before closingtag of the…
{{orderby}} helper
{{orderby}} is a helper similar to the {{reverse}} helper - it changes the ordering of the specific collection using your params. Additionally, it supports an…
{{reverse}} helper
The {{reverse}} helper is useful if you need to reverse items in a specific collection e.g. tags listing. Syntax: {{reverse collection}} Example: {{#each @website.contentStructure.tags}} {{#checkIf…
How to create a custom helper?
Custom helpers can be created in the helpers.js file. It is useful if you need to create more complex conditions and you want to simplify…