  • {{getPostsByCustomFields}}

    The {{getPostsByCustomFields}} helper is designed to retrieve post data based on the criteria defined by custom fields. This powerful feature allows for more precise control…

  • {{#notContains}} helper

    The {{#notContains}} helper is a custom Handlebars helper designed to determine if a given value does not exist within a comma-separated string. This can be…

  • {{asset}} helper

    {{asset}} is a helper used to retrieve asset URLs Syntax: {{ asset "PATH_TO_ASSET" }} Example: {{ asset "css/main.css" }} It returns URL concatenated by the…

  • {{#getAuthors}} helper

    {{#getAuthors}} is a helper used to retrieve authors data regardless of the current context. Syntax: {{#getAuthors "AUTHOR_ID1,AUTHOR_ID2,AUTHOR_ID3" "before" "after"}} ... {{/getAuthors}} Example: {{#getAuthors "1,2,3" "<ul>"…

  • {{#getAuthor}} helper

    {{#getAuthor}} is a helper used to retrieve author data regardless of the current context. Syntax: {{#getAuthor AUTHOR_ID}} ... {{/getAuthor}} Alternative syntax: {{#getAuthor "AUTHOR_USERNAME"}} ... {{/getAuthor}}…

  • {{lazyload}} helper

    Generate loading attribute with a specific value. Can be used with images and iframes to optimize page loading speed. {{lazyload "VALUE"}} Currently available values: Example:…

  • {{responsiveImageAttributes}} helper

    Create srcset and sizes attributes for an images used in the theme options. Syntax: {{responsiveImageAttributes @config.custom.imageOptionName}} Example: {{responsiveImageAttributes @config.custom.logo}}

  • {{#contains}} helper

    If you need to check if some value exists in a given string which contains values separated by comma - use the {{#contains}} helper. Syntax:…

  • {{concatenate}} helper

    This helper is very similar to the {{join}} helper, but it doesn't have the first param. It always returns all arguments connected into one string.

  • {{join}} helper

    This helper creates a one string from given values, separated by its first argument. Syntax: {{join separator value1 value2 value3}} Example: {{join "," "a" "b"…

  • {{#getTags}} helper

    {{getTags}} is a helper used to retrieve tags data regardless of the current context. Syntax: {{#getTags "TAG_ID1,TAG_ID2,TAG_ID3" "before" "after"}} ... {{/getTags}} Example: {{#getTags "1,2,3" "<ul>" "</ul>"}}…

  • {{#getTag}} helper

    {{getTag}} is a helper used to retrieve tag data regardless of the current context. Syntax: {{#getTag tagID}} ... {{/getPost}} Example: {{#getTag 10}} <a href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a> {{/getTag}} IMPORTANT: It…

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