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  • {{responsiveSizes}} helper

    Helper for the sizes attribute in the images syntax, based on options. Syntax: {{responsiveSizes [type] [group]}} Example: {{responsiveSizes 'featuredImage' 'header'}}

  • {{#isNotEmpty}}

    Checks if the given collection is not empty. Syntax: {{#isNotEmpty COLLECTION}} If COLLECTION is not empty {{else}} If COLLECTION is empty {{/isNotEmpty}} Example: {{#isNotEmpty tags}}…

  • {{metaRobots}} helper

    Helper for generating robots meta tag. Syntax: {{metaRobots}} Example: <meta name="robots" content="noindex, follow" /> Should be used in the <head> section of the website.

  • {{pageUrl}} helper

    (Used in pagination) Helper for creating pagination URLs. Syntax: {{pageUrl @pagination.context NUMBER}} Example: {{pageUrl @pagination.context 4}} Example output:

  • {{#isEmpty}} helper

    Checks if the given collection is empty. Syntax: {{#isEmpty COLLECTION}} If COLLECTION is empty {{else}} If COLLECTION is not empty {{/isEmpty}} Example: {{#isEmpty tags}} No…

  • {{{publiiHead}}} helper

    Helper for creating output with Publii-related tags. Syntax: {{{publiiHead}}} Example output: <meta name="generator" content="Publii" /> Should be used in the <head> section of the website.

  • {{#isCurrentPage}} helper

    (Used in pagination) Helper for checking if a given page number is a current page. Syntax: {{#isCurrentPage @pagination.currentPage NUMBER}} If current pagination page is equal…

  • {{#checkIf}} helper

    An extended version of the #if block helper with support for operators. Useful if you need to compare two arguments in a non-standard way. An…

  • {{jsonify}} helper

    Helper for creating JSON-safe strings. Syntax: {{{jsonify string|object}}} Example: {{{jsonify tags}}} Warning! Please remember to use three curly braces instead of two if you want…

  • {{encodeUrl}} helper

    Helper used if you need to use an URL inside the other URL i.e. when you are using the social sharing scripts. Syntax: {{encodeUrl URL_TO_ENCODE}}…

  • {{imageDimensions}} helper

    Create height/width attributes for a given image. Syntax: {{imageDimensions IMAGE_PATH}} Example: {{imageDimensions @config.custom.imageOptionName}}

  • {{#checkIfAny}} helper

    Block helper for creating conditions where all elements are connected using OR operator. Syntax: {{#checkIfAny ARG_1 ARG_2 ARG_3 ... ARG_N}} Code displayed when above condition…

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