
Page tags

Page item represent pages created in Publii:

  • {{id}} - page ID
  • {{title}} - page title
  • {{featuredImage}} - featured image item
  • {{author}} - page author item
  • {{slug}} - page slug used in URL
  • {{url}} - page URL
  • {{text}} - page full text
  • {{excerpt}} - page excerpt text
  • {{createdAt}} - page creation date
  • {{modifiedAt}} - page modification date
  • {{status}} - page status (draft)
  • {{template}} - template name used in the page
  • {{hasGallery}} - true if page contains a gallery
  • {{hasCustomExcerpt}} - true if page contains a custom excerpt content
  • {{pageViewConfig}} - object with additional page view-related configuration (if available in the theme

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