Of all the elements that go into making a website, scripts can be the most versatile. However, going hand-in-hand with their versatility is the potential for scripts to have a huge impact on website performance, making them a key part…
Of all the parts of a website that have an effect on its overall weight, images, and multimedia elements usually have the greatest impact. In fact, the HTTP Archive Page Weight report shows that in the majority of cases graphical…
At a time when design is moving towards minimalism, focusing on greater simplicity and legibility, typeface can become one of the most distinguishing features of website pages. That's why graphic designers are often eager to use non-standard typefaces; it helps…
CSS provides the "tools" we need to make visually-striking websites, and we'll often find ourselves exploring new methods, functions and features that will help us raise the aesthetic impact of our site. But it's important to remember that the CSS…
A sticky or fixed menu is a very popular UX solution that displays a navbar at the top of the page to provide access to menu items at all times, even while scrolling pages. This simple addition can make it…
Sometimes you may need to keep the footer at the bottom of the page, regardless of the page height content. I found many solutions, but almost all of them use too much code, require the use of display flex or…