
Written by: Bob Mitro

Bob is a co-founder of the Publii project and a web designer and front-end web developer with over fifteen years of professional experience in the design industry.


Publii CMS v0.46.3: New Features, Enhancements, and Bug Fixes

We’re excited to announce the release of Publii CMS version 0.46.3 (build 17008), which includes a range of new features, improvements, and bug fixes to further enhance user experience and site functionality. This update builds upon the changes introduced in…


Publii Language File Checker

The release of Publii version 0.39 included many features, not least of which was app interface translations. Thanks to the amazing efforts of our great community, the Publii interface has already been translated into many other languages, all of which…


Huge Privacy-Focused Update; Publii 0.40 now available

The latest Publii update, version 0.40, is now available for download, bringing a big focus on privacy. In this release, you'll find improvements to the cookie banner including improved consent handling, plugin integration, and multiple modes allowing visitors to provide…


The cookie banner - common issues and solutions

A cookie banner, which allows website visitors to consent to selected technologies/services, is an essential part of most websites, but actually implementing it can turn into more of a headache than it would first appear. Often, common cookie banner solutions…


Introducing Publii 0.38

Publii development has been trundling along, despite the numerous challenges and tribulations the past year has brought. And so, we're happy to finally release our latest update, version 0.38.0, for our users to jump into. Our focus at the moment…

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  1. 1 Download Publii
  2. 2 Write your content
  3. 3 Publish your site
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