Publii now available for Linux

There's been a slightly longer wait than usual for the latest update, but it was all for a good cause; we're very happy to introduce Publii for Linux! That's not all in this update though; there are other new features including new options for lazy load images, and more. And of course, there's the usual batch of improvements and bugfixes to make Publii more user-friendly and stable.
Want to know more about what's in this update? Read on. Otherwise, you can get the latest update right now by downloading the main Publii package on the download page; run it and it'll automatically take care of the update for you.
Linux version of Publii released
It's a request that we've received a lot, so we're very pleased to be able to release a Linux version of Publii, which you can download from the download section as with the other versions. Please bear in mind that since this is the first release it should be considered experimental, and you may run into instabilities. If you should run into issues or discover any bugs we would be very grateful if you could create a ticket on the Publii Community Hub to let us know, and we'll add it to our to-do list.
To make sure that as many Linux users as possible are able to use the app we've created three different packages; AppImage, .deb, and .rpm, which covers the most popular Linux distributions. Note that in addition to the installation package, you'll also need to ensure that you have the libsecret package installed, as Publii uses the node-keytar module to safely store your passwords.
One final note on the Linux release; currently only JIMP is available as thumbnail-generation tool; we'll be adding support for the faster sharp engine that's available in the Windows and Mac versions of Publii in later Linux releases.
New Features
The latest Publii release isn't only about Linux; v.0.30.4 of Publii brings many new features that our users across platforms can take advantage of, including:
- New option added to prevent the Post Editor from closing when the post is saved (the setting may be found in the general Publii settings).
- SEO - Added option to exclude pagination links from the sitemap.
- Added settings for post-template-related config options.
- Anchors can now be added via a button in the post editor.
- Added template field to post objects in the renderer.
Like an engine, a good app needs to be tweaked to work at its best. Here's what's been added in this release:
- Improved server settings view behaviour; it now uses app messages instead of alerts, and inline validation has been added.
- Missing preview/backup/site directories are now detected in the app settings.
- SEO page title used in og:title and twitter:title instead of site name.
- Improved og:type attributes.
- Removed extra whitespace in server settings.
- Improved readability of the post list in the post editor.
- Electron updated to v.2.0.9.
- Application settings view has been refactored.
Some things you improve, and some things you remove with extreme prejudice. Here's the bugfixes that are included in this update:
- Fixed an issue with S3 deployment which caused removed files to remain in the bucket.
- Fixed slugs issue occurring after first post created.
- Fixed issue with images in post excerpts.
- Fixed issue with incorrect website state of the preview link after the post editor has been opened.
- Fixed incorrect GitHub deployment progress bar behaviour.
- The placeholder field for post config options will now function as intended.
- Removed duplicated websites in site list after saving settings.
- Improved error rendering messages.
- fixed svg
Themes updates
- New LazyLoad options added - now you can disable the Low Quality Image Placeholder pattern or add the Blur or Fade in transitions/animation effect (themes update is required).
- Addedd lazyload to iframe and video elements
- Improved Google Fonts performance by reducing their load time
- Improved svg-fix.js script to display SVG files in preview mode
- Mercury theme - now you can change the width of a featured image globally or for each post separately (to apply this change, existing users need to save theme settings)
And that's a wrap for this release; we hope that you enjoy using Publii, whether on Windows, Mac or Linux, and don't forget to let us know if you run into any issues, or have any suggestions for new features or improvements!