
Bugfixes and More in the Publii 0.33.4 Maintenance Release

We're still working on adding the cool new features that we've got posted on our Publii Development Roadmap, but in the meantime we've got some improvements and fixes that we think you'd prefer to get a hold of now, rather than waiting for the next full release. So we've compiled them into this small maintenance update, bringing Publii to v.0.33.4.

You'll find details of what we've fixed below, and as usual you can get your hands on the update simply be heading to the Publii Download Page and grabbing the latest release; it'll take care of all your update needs. Now without further ado, let's see what's been fixed:

New Features

  • Added a separate intro page for the server settings screen.
  • Added an option to provide custom HTML language code.
  • Added a new global variable, @utils, which will be used in the future to store values that will help development. For now, you can pull the current year value using @utils.currentYear


  • Improved thumbnail generation when using JIMP, and increased image quality when using Sharp.
  • Improved server settings validation; the port field now only allows positive integer values up to a maximum of 65535.
  • Added WXR-check errors to the log-files output.
  • Moved the 'clear formatting' button before the HTML source code editor button in the WYSIWYG editor toolbar.
  • 'Test Connection' button only triggers a server settings save if the test was successful.
  • Added 220-character limit to the post slug.
  • Added visual indicator for post slugs that exceed the character limit.
  • It is now possible to repeatedly regenerate thumbnails without leaving the tool (useful for the development process when changing image dimensions for the theme).


  • Fixed issue with 'HTTP' appearing when 'HTTPS' was selected in the protocol selection field.
  • Fixed alphabetical ordering of tags and authors in the standard collection pages.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect sync button state when the deployment process has been cancelled.
  • Fixed error message when cancelling deployment.
  • Fixed issue with closing notification popups.
  • Fixed locked database file error when deleting a website.

That's everything for this release, so if you've run into any of these issues then make sure to grab the update and get things running smoothly again! We'll be back soon with more updates to Publii's features, so make sure to drop in regularly on this blog where we'll be posting any new releases coming your way.

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