
Written by: Tomasz Dziuda

Tomasz is a co-founder of the Publii project and a front-end developer with over fifteen years of professional experience.


Configure your server to maximize website performance

Sometimes, our site optimisation issues go beyond our website code and are, instead, more closely-related to our server configuration. Though optimising our code should be a priority, we should also be mindful of the effects our server configuration can have…


Optimize images and media elements for a faster website

Of all the parts of a website that have an effect on its overall weight, images, and multimedia elements usually have the greatest impact. In fact, the HTTP Archive Page Weight report shows that in the majority of cases graphical…


Optimise fonts for a faster website

At a time when design is moving towards minimalism, focusing on greater simplicity and legibility, typeface can become one of the most distinguishing features of website pages. That's why graphic designers are often eager to use non-standard typefaces; it helps…


Optimize CSS code for a faster website

CSS provides the "tools" we need to make visually-striking websites, and we'll often find ourselves exploring new methods, functions and features that will help us raise the aesthetic impact of our site. But it's important to remember that the CSS…

How to avoid losing data on your website?

Though truly catastrophic hosting datacenter issues rarely occur, if/when they do, it can be, to put it mildly, rather inconvenient for their users. Without adequate measures in place, such critical situations can lead to people and companies losing valuable data,…

5 things that can affect the credibility of your analytical data.

When discussing analytics, I've observed that website owners frequently display absolute faith in the veracity of the data collected in services such as Google Analytics. They believe it to the point that when encountering a difference between the analytics and…

How it works?

Does your website need a contact form?

Contact pages are a common and, indeed, a seemingly necessary addition to websites; in most cases this will include a contact form as the main method of communication with the site owners. However, when working with static pages such as…

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  1. 1 Download Publii
  2. 2 Write your content
  3. 3 Publish your site
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