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Publii hotfix 0.31.3 released

Some minor improvements have been made in the Publii GitHub repository, so we've decided to release a small hotfix release as a stop-gap towards the next larger update. Nothing major here, but you'll see the groundwork starting to be laid for future features.

You can get the update the usual way; just download the main package from the Publii frontpage and run it; it'll take care of the rest. As to what fixes you'll find in this release, take a look below!

New Features

  • Markdown shortcuts added to the post editor. This isn't a full Markdown editor, which is part of the Publii roadmap; just some useful shortcuts covering the basics; you can see which ones have been added so far in this Publii GitHub issue page.
  • Custom meta title/description/robots added for error and search pages.
  • Pages with an empty meta title/description field will now use the main meta-title and description for the website as a placeholder.


  • Extended the list of valid attributes for video, audio and source elements.
  • Canonical URL metatag is now removed when notindex is set under the robots metatag.


  • Fixed issue with rendering a website when the media/posts directory does not exist.
  • Server settings - fixed issue with non-working file-selection fields.
  • WP Importer - Fixed issue with non-latin tag slugs.

That's all for this release, but there's still a lot more additions on the horizon; come join in the development on the Publii on our GitHub repository, or drop in to the Publii community hub and let us know what you'd like to see in the future!

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