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Publii hotfix 0.37.2 released, fixes relative path issue

We never stop improving Publii. The most important inclusion this time around is a fix for the relative URLs that some of our users have been experiencing on Windows. If you've run into this issue make sure to grab the update as soon as possible. We want to thank you all for your patience while we worked on a fix for this issue.

As well as the relative URLs fix, there's also a few little improvements and bugfixes; you can find out more about what's included in this release below:


This time the only one improvement was aded:

  • Added user-agent header while downloading images during WordPress
    WXR file import. It solves problems with certain web servers that block
    multiple requests without user-agent headers.


What's an update without a few bugfixes? Here's what we've taken care of in this release:

  • Solved issue with relative URLs use on Windows
  • Solved random JS errors and issues while adding new authors
  • Removed double slashes from gallery image URLs

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