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Publii hotfix 0.26.1 released; squashes bugs and improves navigation

The recent revamped update to Publii was the biggest change to the app's core since its inception, so it was inevitable that a few bugs would rear their ugly heads. Thankfully, our helpful users have kept us updated of any issues that they discovered, allowing our team to get their swatters out to crush the bugs and release this hotfix release that gets things under control.

Like with all our releases, to get access to these fixes you'll just need to grab the latest package from the frontpage, and the installer will take care of the update process. Special thanks should go to our users YoavMathias and 3b318f8a (nickname), who put in a lot of work testing the last Publii release and have been invaluable in discovering and reporting the issues they found.

So what's been fixed? As it happens, we have a convenient list of all the improvements and bugfixes below:


  • Added "Go back" button to application settings and About Publii views.
  • "Test connection" button on the server screen now automatically saves server settings.
  • Pagination URLs now include a trailing slash.
  • Added alt-attribute content for featured images (if available) to RSS feeds.
  • Improved behaviour of "Cancel" button on the "Add new website" view.
  • Added clear button to the Site Switcher search bar.
  • Changed sync button behaviour; now it always displays "Sync your website" if access data has been provided.
  • Added support for iframes in AMP.


  • Fixed issues with post view global settings.
  • Fixed AMP validation errors by removing "!important" rules from CSS.
  • Fixed crash occurring when file manager is loaded and the user has a custom location set for website files.
  • Fixed issue saving theme options from text areas.
  • Fixed issue with custom CSS content not loading.
  • Fixed layout of the notifications in the app topbar.
  • Fixed flow issue when user wants to generate a preview on a website without a selected theme.
  • Fixed read more styling in the post editor.
  • Fixed issue with warning when saving site settings.
  • Fixed issue with page duplicates in the site switcher.
  • Removed empty target attribute from generated internal links.
  • Fixed issue with no-indexed posts remaining visible in sitemap.
  • Fixed issue with incorrect paths on some upload fields in Windows.
  • Fixed post listing behaviour when all posts are removed from trash.
  • Fixed issue with upload when directory has a dot in the name.
  • Fixed error when FTP connection times out.
  • Fixed redirection when access data for deployment is not defined.
  • Fixed typos in the theme options.

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  1. 1 Download Publii
  2. 2 Write your content
  3. 3 Publish your site
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