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No website preview

  • #1576
    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    Can anyone help me on this please. When I post my website link on social media such as twitter or facebook, I don’t see the image preview II set. It looks like this ( with blank image space).


    In the app, I think I have set an image by going to Settings >OpenGraph >FallbackImage.

    Am i missing something here ?

    Thanks in Advance,


    Avatar photoBob
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Thanks Bob,

    The preview images of the Posts are working very much fine on fb and on twitter but the website view is not working.

    This is the setting I am using.


    Any help on this please ?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I can see the preview of the domain here

    but social medias are not showing the image preview of the domain

    Avatar photoBob

    Try to change the image format, from SVG to PNG

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Earlier I was using svg before opening a thread here. I thought svg was the issue, but now I am using PNG ( attached). But still no luck.. 🙁

    Avatar photoBob

    I’m not an expert in this field, maybe a cache problem, I’m not sure.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I think it is not a cache problem, I am sure of it, as the posts are getting updated in the browser once I make any changes to the posts/pages.

    Is not this related to app ? Is it working for you , I mean for your site?

    Avatar photoBob

    Yeap, it works for my site.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Thank you Bob.

    I will re-check again in sometime and close this thread