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How do I set it up so that hyperlinks appear underlined in final render of site.

  • #1312
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Simple question, but I have no idea how to make it happen.

    How do I set it up so that hyperlinks appear to be visually underlined on the website?

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I found it:

    From the Publii menu choose Tools and then “custom css“.

    There you can add this ` `

    `*/underlining links*/
    a:link {
    text-decoration: underline;

    and save.

    For more possibilities see this excellent W3-schools page.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Try this as well, some fancy stuff

    `text-decoration: underline violet solid;`

    `text-decoration: underline yourColor dashed;`

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hi Ajeet,

    `text-decoration: underline violet solid;`

    does not work for me in Publii.

    This works:

    `a:link {
    text-decoration: underline;
    text-decoration-color: violet;

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Oh, for me its working.

    here is the link:

    Looks like we need to study more about CSS 🙂

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hmm, my reply disappeared again.

    New try: That is something strange Ajeet. Maybe I made a mistake or mistyped something. I’ll try again, just for the fun of it.

    Congrats on your website. Although I left the Windows world about 15 years ago, I’m still fascinated by projects like yours, trying to build bridges. Especially good to see how you care about the beginners’ fate.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    My replies are getting updated 🙂 Lucky me.

    And Thanks Bert.  I am new to coding and web dev. I did not want to move away from windows, and Mac book is not so cheap. So, I chose Windows+Ubuntu. … I keep posting whatever I learn.

    Hope my blog helps the beginners.

    Thanks again 🙂

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Thank you to both of you for your generous advice, it’s working great now! Much appreciated!