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Feature Ideas

  • #365
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hello, I really love publii because of its simplicity compared to the overloaded wordpress. But I am missing some features:

    • Adding Anchor links to the same or another page of my site using the WSSIWYG Editor like often used in Wikipedia. So that I can easily link to a headline or an image of the same or another page.
    • Adding Icons using the WYSIWG Editor because editing the Source Code with the HTML-Editor is very comlicated because of the missing code formattings.
    • Next to format text with an Option to make text bold with css font-weight. Because there is a difference between strong and just bold from seo perspective.
    • Adding tr > th to a table for search engine crawlers that they can understand what the table is about.
    • Adding Posts to categories. When there are a lot of posts, it is hard to find the posts in the list of posts in the UI Backend. Another good think would be, that you can find the categorie in the url like That way a user can see where he is currently on the website.
    • Adding a breadcrumb above the content, so that a user can see where he is currently on the website.

    Thanks a lot.


    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I don’t follow your first suggestion.

    When you create a post the editor contains a hyperlink icon which you can use to begin the process of converting text into a link.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Hi red,

    what I mean is linking to anchor-names like it works in the table of contents, but between different webdocuments. When I have a hadline `This is my headline` on page A, I want to link to that headline from page B like this `Anchor-Text` easily without searching the source-code for the right `id`.  (Replace `h1-tag` with `h1` and `link-tag-a` with `a`.) It works without, but would be a nice feature. Most important is adding posts to categories and the breadcrumb from my perspective 🙂

    Avatar photo[anonymous]
    [anonymous] wrote:
    • Adding Icons using the WYSIWG Editor because editing the Source Code with the HTML-Editor is very comlicated because of the missing code formattings.

    I hope not. One of Publii’s strengths is its lightness.

    Anyway, why just Fontawesome?
    There are much more beautiful icon sets: Material Design, Elusive, Icomoon, Flaticon, Nucleo and many others.

    But this does not imply that you should not use both the admin side and the frontend side. Using Fontawesome, or others, in a theme is not complicated.


    I’m Sorry for my bad English language 🙄

    Avatar photo[anonymous]
    [anonymous] wrote:

    I hope not. One of Publii’s strengths is its lightness.

    Yes you are right. Good point.