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Checksum ( sha256 sha1 or md5sum)

  • #1064
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I have searched  all over  even gone through the repository to no avail. I am very reluctant  to install  something   even from Github unless I verify it’s checksum,  but I can’t find one published anywhere ?
    I will be using it on Linux. I was tempted to just run the appimage but  then I thought maybe it wouldn’t hurt to ask.

    I may have just overlooked it because I worked all night online last night and  I’m still awake  the second day and so I’m Very tired  so please  forgive me if that is the case,  But I can’t seem to find    any checksums either  SHA1 , SHA256 or even MD5 ?

    I’d like to say this  project looks very  promising so far I can’t wait to try it.:)
    Thanks in advance,

    Stan W.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]


    We will consider to provide checksums during next releases.

    There is a SHA256 checksum for the latest AppImage version of Publii:


    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Thank you ! I will try Publii  after I get home, and will try to contribute  and help spread the word soon. I apologize for the trouble, I thought maybe it was already posted somewhere .