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Add checkbox and radio input types to Post Options

  • #2571
    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Add checkbox and radio input types to Post Options

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Yes, they can already be available in themes via shortcodes. Check out: , , etc.

    Or you could use a third-party forms provider (like and gain the benefits of strong form validation, maybe better anti-spam protection, and so on.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    I was talking about Post Options, under the Settings right sidebar on post creation/edition.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Mostrar Titulo => checkbox

    Mostrar Titulo 2 => radio

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Okay, I understand.

    Because checkbox and radio input types are part of the web forms ‘package’, there may be a better solution in time (forms plugins, etc.)

    Maybe @bob can clarify.

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    There is a one UI problem with this kind of fields – we have no way to easily handle “Use global value” option for such fields.

    Avatar photo[anonymous]

    Ok, thanks, I’ll use an select field type for now

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    Another nice feature for this would be the field dependencies mechanism