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Starter Theme downloaded from Github does not work

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I dont know if the problem about start theme was fix but i find a solution for fix it so i share it here maybe i can help same people.

For speed the procedure i have attach the file in this post so you will copy them in the folder theme-starter-master.

Anyway this is the procedure i do:

  1. Install the package start in Publii
  2. Select it as your default theme in Site setting
  3. Save it Don’t run Preview becouse give error
  4. Go in your folder where you have stored your site
  5. Open the folder and find the sub folder “input” and open other sub folder inside called “themes” inside it you find your theme folder of your site  end the folder theme-starter-master, so open it
  6. After you open it loooking for this files: starter.lang.json and rename it in theme-starter-master.lang(this for fix error about translation)
  7. Then ub the same foler open the file config.json and change the first row “name:”Starter” to name:”theme-Starter-master” close all and preview your theme  and it work!!